Pāriet uz saturu

Maldīvijas himna

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Gavmii mi ekuverikan matii tibegen kuriime salaam ir Maldīvijas Republikas valsts himna. Tās vārdus sarakstījis Muhameds Džamels Didi (Mohamed Jameel Didi). Melodiju ir komponējis Šrilankiešu komponists Pandits Vanakuvatavaduge Dons Amaradeva (Pandit Wannakuwattawaduge Don Amaradeva) 1972. gadā.

Himnas vārdi maldīviešu valodā

[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]
ޤައުމީ މިއެކުވެރިކަން މަތީ ތިބެގެން ކުރީމެ ސަލާމް
ޤައުމީ ބަހުން ގިނަހެޔޮ ދުޢާ ކުރަމުން ކުރީމެ ސަލާމް
ޤައުމީ ނިޝާނަށް ޙުރުމިތާއެކު ބޯލަންބައި ތިބެގެން
އައުދާނަކަން ލިބިގެން އެވާދިދައަށް ކުރީމެ ސަލާމް

ނަސްރާ ނަސީބާ ކާމިޔާބުގެ ރަމްޒަކަށް ހިމެނޭ
ފެއްސާ ރަތާއި ހުދާ އެކީފެނުމުން ކުރީމެސަލާމް
ފަޚްރާ ޝަރަފް ގައުމަށް އެހޯދައިދެއްވި ބަތަލުނަށް
ޒިކްރާގެ މަތިވެރި ޅެންތަކުން އަޑުގައި ކުރީމެ ސަލާމް
ދިވެހީންގެނަން މޮޅުވުން އެދިތިބެ ކުރީމެ ސަލާމް

މިނިވަންކަމާ މަދަނިއްޔަތާ ލިބިގެން މިޢާލަމުގާ
ދިނިގެން ހިތާމަތަކުން ތިބުންއެދިގެން ކުރީމެ ސަލާމް
ދީނާއި ވެރިންނަށް ހެޔޮހިތުން ހުރުމަތް އަދާކުރަމުން
ސީދާ ވަފާތެރިކަންމަތީ ތިބެގެން ކުރީމެ ސަލާމް
ދައުލަތުގެ އަބުރާ ޢިއްޒަތާ މަތިވެރި އަބަދަށް
އައުދާނަވުން އެދި ހެޔޮދުޢާ ކުރަމުން ކުރީމެ ސަލާމް

Himnas transliterācija latīņu alfabētā

[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]
Gaumee mi ekuverikan matee tibegen kureeme salaam,
Gaumee bahun gina heyo du'aa kuramun kureeme salaam.
Gaumee nishaanang hurmataa eku bo lambai tibegen
Audaanakan libigen e vaa dida-ak kureeme salaam.
Nasraa nasiibaa kaamyaabu-ge ramzakang himenee
Fessaa rataai hudaa ekii fenumun kuriime salaam.
Fakhraa sharaf gavmang e hoodai devvi batalunna'
Zikraage mativeri lhentakun adugai kuriime salaam.
Divehiinge ummay kuri arai silmaa salaamatugai
Divehiinge nan molu vun edai tibegen kuriime salaam.
Minivankamaa madaniyyataa libigen mi 'aalamugai
Dinigen hitaamatakun tibun edigen kuriime salaam.
Dinaai verinnang heyo hitun hurmay adaa kuramun
Siidaa vafaaterikan matii tibegen kuriime salaam.
Davlatuge aburaa 'izzataa mativeri vegen abada'
Audaana vun edi heyo du'aa kuramun kuriime salaam.

Himnas tulkojums angļu valodā

[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]
We salute you in this national unity.
We salute you, with many good wishes in the national tongue,
Bowing the head in respect to the national symbol.
We salute the flag that has such might ;
It falls into the sphere of victory, fortune and success
With its green and red and white together, and therefore we salute it.
To those heroes who sought out honour and pride for the nation
We give salute today in auspicious verses of remembrance.
May the nation of the Maldivian Islanders advance under guard and protection
And the name of the Maldivian Islanders become great.
Thus we pledge as we salute.
We wish for their freedom and progress in this world
And for their freedom from sorrows, and thus we salute.
With full respect and heartfelt blessing towards religion and our leaders,
We salute you in uprightness and truth.
May the State ever have auspicious honour and respect.
With good wishes for your continuing might, we salute you.