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Attēls:Proglacial lacustrine rhythmitic argillite (varvite) (Konnarock Formation, Neoproterozoic, ~750 Ma; Grassy Branch Outcrop - Rt. 603 roadcut, Smyth County, Virginia, USA) 4 (30253429760).jpg

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Proglacial lacustrine rhythmitic argillite from the Precambrian of Virginia, USA.

The Snowball Earth Glaciations during the Neoproterozoic were the most significant ice ages that Earth ever experienced - two or three of them occurred in succession. The most extreme models describing Snowball Earth have glacial ice completely covering all continents and all oceans, even at the equator. Some models, called “Slushball Earth”, have Earth’s equatorial oceanic areas not completely frozen over. Each Snowball Earth Glaciation was followed by a super-greenhouse climate. The resulting sedimentary record of these “freeze-fry” events typically consists of glacial tillites and overlying cap carbonates. These units are preserved at many localities on Earth.

The rock shown above has well-preserved horizontal laminations in argillite (= a very low-grade metamorphic rock formed by slight alteration of shale). Note that the laminations are rhythmic in their thicknesses and weathering pattern. These are rhythmites. Published research has identified these sediments as proglacial lacustrine turbidites - they appear to be varves. Varves are common sedimentary units in Pleistocene proglacial lake settings. This is a Snowball Earth equivalent. The rhythmicity reflects seasonal changes (summer-winter-summer-winter, etc.). Demonstrable annual layering is scarce in the sedimentary rock record.

Stratigraphy: Konnarock Formation, Neoproterozoic, ~750 Ma

Locality: Grassy Branch Outcrop - roadcut on the northern side of Rt. 603, just downstream from the Big Laurel Creek-Grassy Branch confluence, west of the town of Troutdale & east of the town of Konnarock, southern Smyth County, southwestern Virginia, USA (36º 40.900’ North latitude, 81º 33.988’ West longitude)
Avots Proglacial lacustrine rhythmitic argillite (varvite) (Konnarock Formation, Neoproterozoic, ~750 Ma; Grassy Branch Outcrop - Rt. 603 roadcut, Smyth County, Virginia, USA) 4
Autors James St. John


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This image was originally posted to Flickr by James St. John at https://flickr.com/photos/47445767@N05/30253429760. It was reviewed on 2017. gada 24. jūnijs by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.

2017. gada 24. jūnijs


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tagadējais2017. gada 24. jūnijs, plkst. 19.452017. gada 24. jūnijs, plkst. 19.45 versijas sīktēls4 000 × 3 000 (4,06 MB)Ser Amantio di NicolaoTransferred from Flickr via Flickr2Commons

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