Dalībnieks:Čiploks/Smilšu kaste
Džons Maiers
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Džons Kleitons Maiers John Clayton Mayer | |
Džons Maiers uzstājās 2019 gadā | |
Galvenā informācija | |
Dzimis |
16.10.1977 Bridžporta |
Žanri | Rokmūzika, Popmūzika, Blūzs |
Nodarbošanās | Dziedātājs, komponists, ģitārists, ierakstu producents |
Instrumenti | Vokāls, ģitāra |
Darbības gadi | 1998-šobrīd |
Izdevēji | Aware, Columbia, The Orchard |
Darbība ar |
John Mayer Trio Dead & Company |
Tīmekļa vietne | johnmayer.com |
Džons Kleitons Maiers (John Clayton Mayer, dzimis 1977. gada 16. oktobrī) ir amerikāņu dziedātājs, komponists un ģitārists. Studēja Bērklija Mūzikas koledžā Bostonā, bet studijas pameta 1997. gadā, lai dotos uz Atlantu kopā ar ģitāristu Kleju Kuku (Clay Cook), ar kuru kopā izveidoja īslaicīgu roka duetu Lo-Fi Masters. Pēc viņu šķiršanās Maiers turpināja muzicēt vietējos klubos, pilnveidojot savas prasmes un iegūstot nelielu sekotāja loku. 2000. gadā viņš uzstājās South by Southwest festivālā pēc kuras parakstīja līgumu ar Aware Records, kas ir Columbia Records izdevniecība, caur kuru izdeva savu debijas paplašināto atskaņojumu (EP) "Inside Wants Out" (1999). Viņa pirmie divi studijas albumi "Rooms for Squares" (2001) un "Heavier Things" (2003) sasniedza komerciālus panākumus un izpelnījās kritiķu atzinību; izdeva pirmo singlu "Your Body Is a Wonderland", kas ieguva 45. Grammy balvu kā labākais vīriešu pop dziedātājs un vēlāk sasniedza pirmo vietu Billboard 200.
Līdz 2005. gadam Maiers atsvešinājās no akustiskās mūzikas, kas raksturoja viņa agrīnos ierakstus un sāka vairāk iedziļināties blūza un rokmūzikā, kas sākotnēji ietekmēja viņa darbību. Izveidojot grupu John Mayer Trio viņš izdeva (live) albumu "Try!" (2005) un viņa trešo studijas albumu "Continuum" (2006). Abi saņēma pozitīvas atsauksmes- otrais albums tika nominēts Gada albuma balvai un ieguva gan Labākā pop vokālā albuma, gan Labākā vīriešu pop vokāla izpildījuma balvu par singlu "Waiting on the World to Change" 49. Grammy balvu pasniegšanas ceremonijā. Pēc tam sekoja "Battle Studies" (2009), kas iezīmēja viņa atgriešanos popmūzikā.
Pēc vairākām pretrunīgām situācijām ar medijiem, Džons Maiers 2010. gadā atsvešinājās no publiskās telpas un iedvesmojās no 1970. gadu pop mūziķes Laurelas Kanjones (Laurel Canyon), lai izveidotu savu piekto studijas albumu "Born and Raised" (2012). Granulomas atklāšana uz Maiera balss saitēm kavēja pabeigt albumu līdz maijam, kā arī piespieda viņu atcelt pavadošo turneju. Neskatoties uz pozitīvajām atsauksmēm un faktu, ka tas kļuva par viņa otro albumu, kas sasniedzis pirmo vietu Billboard 200 topā, albums bija mazāk komerciāli veiksmīgs nekā iepriekšējie darbi. Džons atguvās 2013. gada janvārī un jau augustā izdeva savu sesto studijas albumu "Paradise Valley", kas sasniedza otro vietu topā. Viņa septītais albums "The Search for Everything" (2017) bija brīva koncepta albums, kura tēmas bija saistītas ar romantiskas attiecību iziršanu. Viņa astotais albums "Sob Rock" (2021) tika iedvesmots no 1980. gadu vieglās rokmūzikas (soft rock music). 2015. gadā trīs bijušie Grateful Dead dalībnieki pievienojās Maieram un vēl diviem mūziķiem, lai izveidotu grupu Dead & Company. Tas bija jaunākais no vairākiem grupas izdzīvojušo dalībnieku apvienošanās pasākumiem kopš Džerija Garsijas nāves 1995. gadā. Līdz 2014. gadam viņš kopumā bija pārdevis vairāk nekā 20 miljonus albumu visā pasaulē.
Dzīves pirmssākumi
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Maiers dzimis 1977. gada 16. oktobrī Bridžportā, Konektikutā. Viņa tēvs Ričards Maiers (dzimis 1927. gadā) bija direktors Centrālajā vidusskolā (Central High School) Bridžportā, bet māte Margareta (dzimusi Hofmane (Hoffman); dzimusi 1947. gadā) bija angļu valodas skolotāja pamatskolā. Viņš uzaudzis netālu esošajā Fairfieldā, kā vidējais bērns starp vecāko pusmāsu Reičelu, vecāko brāli Karlu un jaunāko brāli Benu. Viņa tēvs ir ebrejs, un Meijers ir teicis, ka viņš "identificējas" ar jūdaismu. Pamatskolas laikā Meijers kļuva par labu draugu ar nākotnes tenisa zvaigznei Džeimsam Bleikam (James Black), un viņi trīs gadus katru dienu pēc skolas kopā spēlēja Nintendo. Viņš apmeklēja Globālo studiju centru Brien McMahon vidusskolā (Center for Global Studies at Brien McMahon High School) Norwalkā savā junioru gadā (tolaik pazīstams kā Japānas studiju centrs ārzemēs, magnētprogrammas, lai apgūtu japāņu valodu).
Maiers kļuva iedvesmots apgūt ģitārspēli pēc tam, kad noskatījās Maikla J. Foksa (Michael J. Fox) ģitāras priekšnesumu kā Marty McFly filmā "Atpakaļ nākotnē". Kad viņam palika 13 gadi, viņa tēvs viņam izīrēja ģitāru. Kaimiņš deva Maieram Stīvija Reja Vona (Stevie Ray Vaughan) kaseti, kas veicināja Maiera mīlestību pret blūza mūziku. Pēc Maiera teiktā, viņa fascinācija ar Vonu sāka "ģenealoģisko medību", kas viņu noveda pie citiem blūza ģitāristiem, tostarp Badija Gaja (Buddy Guy), B.B. Kinga (B.B. King), Fredija Kinga (Freddie King), Alberta Kinga (Albert King), Otisa Ruša( Otis Rush) un Laitnina Hopkinsa (Lightnin' Hopkins). Maiers sāka mācīties pie vietējā ģitāras veikala īpašnieka Ala Ferrantes, un drīz viņš bija pilnībā pakļāvies mūzikai. Viņa mērķis satrauca viņa vecākus, un viņi divreiz viņu aizveda pie psihiatra, kurš noteica, ka viņš ir vesels. Maiers sacījis, ka viņa vecāku konfliktējošā laulība viņu noveda pie "pazušanas un izveidošanas savu pasauli, kurā viņš varētu ticēt". Pēc diviem prakses gadiem viņš sāka spēlēt bāros un citās vietās, vēl būdams vidusskolā. Papildus solo uzstāšanās, viņš bija grupas Villanova Junction (nosaukta pēc Džimija Hendriksa dziesmas) dalībnieks kopā ar Timu Prokasini (Tim Procaccini), Džo Beleznaju (Joe Beleznay) un Riču Volfu (Rich Wolf).
Kad Maiers bija 17 gadus vecs, viņam bija sirds ritma traucējumi un viņu hospitalizēja uz nedēļas nogali. Pārdomājot šo incidentu, Maiers teica: "Tas bija brīdis, kad manī dzima dziesmu autors", un viņš uzrakstīja savus pirmos vārdus naktī, kad iznāca no slimnīcas. Neilgi pēc tam viņš sāka ciest no panikas lēkmēm un teica, ka baidījās nonākt psihiatriskajā iestādē.
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Karjeras pirmssākumi (1996-1999)
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Maiers apsvēra iespēju izlaist koledžu, lai pievērstos mūzikai, bet viņa vecāki tam nepiekrita. Viņš iestājās Bērklija Mūzikas koledžā 1997. gadā, 19 gadu vecumā. Pēc viņa koledžas drauga Kleja Kuka ieteikuma viņi pēc diviem semestriem pameta koledžu un pārcēlās uz Atlantu; tur viņi izveidoja divu cilvēku grupu ar nosaukumu LoFi Masters un sāka uzstāties vietējās kafejnīcās un klubos, piemēram, Eddie's Attic. Pēc Kuka teiktā, viņiem bija muzikālas atšķirības- Maiers vēlējās vairāk pievērsties popmūzikai. Abi izšķīrās, un Maiers uzsāka solo karjeru.
Ar vietējā producenta un inženiera Glena Matullo (Glenn Matullo) palīdzību Maiers ierakstīja neatkarīgu EP "Inside Wants Out". EP ietver astoņas dziesmas ar Maieru vadošajos vokālos un ģitārspēlē. Pirmajā dziesmā "Back To You" piedalījās pilna grupa, tostarp EP kopproducents Deivids "DeLa" LaBrujērs(David "DeLa" LaBruyere)pie basģitāras. Kuks bija līdzautors daudziem albuma dziesmu tekstiem, ieskaitot pirmo komerciālo singlu "No Such Thing"; tomēr viņa vienīgais pienesums izpildījumā bija bekvokāls dziesmā "Comfortable".
Komerciālie panākumi (2000-2004)
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Mayer and LaBruyere performed throughout Georgia and nearby states. Also, as his career coincided with the then-nascent internet music market, Mayer benefited from an online following. Mayer came to the attention of Gregg Latterman at Aware Records through an acquaintance of Mayer's, a lawyer, who sent Aware his EP. In early 2001, after including him in Aware Festival concerts and his songs on Aware compilations, Aware released Mayer's internet-only album, Room for Squares. During this time, Aware concluded a deal with Columbia Records that gave Columbia first pick in signing Aware artists. In September, Columbia remixed and re-released Room for Squares. As part of the major label "debut", the album's artwork was updated, and the track "3x5" was added. The re-release included reworked studio versions of the first four songs from Inside Wants Out.
By the end of 2002, Room for Squares had spawned several radio hits, including "No Such Thing", "Your Body Is a Wonderland", and "Why Georgia". It also received general praise critically, and Mayer drew comparisons to Dave Matthews. In 2003, Mayer won a Grammy for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Your Body Is a Wonderland". In his acceptance speech he remarked, "This is very, very fast, and I promise to catch up." He also figuratively referred to himself as being 16, a remark that many mistook to mean that he was 16 years old at the time.
In February 2003, Mayer released a live CD and DVD of a concert in Birmingham, Alabama titled Any Given Thursday, which included songs previously not recorded, such as "Man on the Side", "Something's Missing", and "Covered in Rain". Commercially, the album peaked at number 17 on the Billboard 200 chart. Its accompanying DVD release received conservative—although consistent—praise, with critics torn between his pop-idol image, and (at the time) emerging guitar prowess. Erik Crawford of AllMusic asked, "Is [Mayer] the consummate guitar hero exemplified when he plays a cover of Stevie Ray Vaughan's 'Lenny', or is he the teen idol that the pubescent girls shriek for after he plays 'Your Body Is a Wonderland'?" That summer, Mayer went on the road with Counting Crows in a tour that spanned 42 dates between July 7 and September 2.
Heavier Things, Mayer's second album, was released in 2003 to generally favorable reviews. Rolling Stone, Allmusic, and Blender all gave positive, although reserved, feedback. The album was commercially successful, and while it did not sell as well as Room for Squares, it peaked at number one on the US Billboard 200 chart. The song "Daughters" won the 2005 Grammy for Song of the Year, and reached #1 on the Billboard Adult Pop Songs chart and #19 on the Billboard Hot 100. He dedicated the award to his grandmother, Annie Hoffman, who had died in May 2004. He also won Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. On February 9, 2009, Mayer told Ellen DeGeneres that he thought he should not have won the Grammy for Song of the year because he thought that Alicia Keys' "If I Ain't Got You" was the better song. Because of this, he removed the top half of the Grammy and gave it to Keys, and kept the bottom part for himself. At the 37th Annual Songwriters Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in 2006, Mayer received the Hal David Starlight Award.
Mayer again recorded live concerts across seven nights of his U.S. tour in 2004. These recordings were released to the iTunes Store under the title As/Is, indicating that the errors were included along with the good moments. A few months later, a "best of" CD was compiled from the As/Is nights. The album included a previously unreleased cover of Marvin Gaye's song "Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)", featuring a solo from Mayer's supporting act—jazz and blues turntablist DJ Logic. The album covers of the As/Is releases feature drawings of anthropomorphic bunnies.
Muzikālā virziena maiņa (2005-2008)
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]As early as 2002, Chris Willman with Entertainment Weekly said that Mayer was "more historically savvy, and more ambitious than you'd guess from the unforced earnestness of [Room for] Squares". However, Mayer was largely associated with the Adult Contemporary and singer-songwriter genres. Fame allowed him access to his early influences, and he began collaborating with blues and jazz artists. He accompanied Buddy Guy in a concert at the Irving Plaza in December 2003. He toured with jazz pianist Herbie Hancock, including a show at the Bonnaroo Music Festival. He also performed on commercial releases, namely, with Eric Clapton (Back Home, Crossroads Guitar Festival), Buddy Guy (Bring 'Em In), John Scofield (That's What I Say), and B.B. King (80). Although Mayer maintained his reputation as a singer-songwriter, he gained distinction as a guitarist.
Following the conclusion of his Heavier Things tour, Mayer began working with artists, including those from other genres of music. His voice was sampled on the song "Go" by rapper Common, and he appeared on a hidden track called "Bittersweet Poetry" from the Kanye West album Graduation. The collaborations drew praise from rap heavyweights Jay-Z and Nelly. When asked about his presence in the hip hop community, Mayer said, "It's not music out there right now. That's why, to me, hip-hop is where rock used to be."
Around this time Mayer announced that he was "closing up shop on acoustic sensitivity". In the spring of 2005, Mayer formed the John Mayer Trio with bassist Pino Palladino and drummer Steve Jordan, both of whom he had met through studio sessions. The trio combined blues and rock music. In October 2005, they opened for the Rolling Stones and that November released a live album called Try! The band took a break in mid-2006.
Mayer's third studio album, titled Continuum, was released on September 12, 2006, produced by Mayer and Steve Jordan. Mayer suggested the album was intended to combine blues and pop. In that vein, two of the tracks from his Trio release Try!—"Vultures" and "Gravity"—were included on Continuum. Despite his excitement, in a Rolling Stone interview, Mayer recalled that after former Columbia Records head Don Ienner panned Continuum he briefly considered quitting music and studying design full-time.
In May 2006, Mayer contributed a cover of the song "Route 66" for the Pixar animated film Cars (2006). Mayer's rendition garnered a nomination at the 49th Grammy Awards for Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance.
The first single from Continuum was "Waiting on the World to Change", which debuted on The Ron and Fez Show. The song was the third-most downloaded song of the week on the iTunes Store following its release on July 11, 2006,[citation needed] and debuted at number 25 on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart.[citation needed] On August 23, 2006, Mayer debuted the entire album on the Los Angeles radio station Star 98.7, offering commentary on each track. A subsequent version was released the next day on the Clear Channel Music website as a streaming sneak preview. On September 21, 2006, Mayer appeared on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation in the episode "Built to Kill, Part 1", playing "Waiting on the World to Change" and "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room". The song "Gravity" was featured on the television series House, in the episode "Cane & Able" and Numb3rs. He recorded a session for the British program Live from Abbey Road at Abbey Road Studios on October 22, 2006.[citation needed]
On December 7, 2006, Mayer was nominated for five Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year. The Trio received a nomination for Try!. He won two: Best Pop Song with Vocal for "Waiting on the World to Change" and Best Pop Album for Continuum. Mayer remixed an acoustic version of his single "Waiting on the World to Change" with vocal additions from fellow musician Ben Harper. In preparation for Continuum, Mayer had booked the Village Recorder in Los Angeles to record five acoustic versions of his songs with veteran musician Robbie McIntosh. These recordings became The Village Sessions, an EP released on December 12, 2006. As usual, Mayer oversaw the artwork. The initial North American Continuum tour ended on February 28, 2007, with a show at Madison Square Garden.[citation needed]
On November 20, 2007, the re-issue of Continuum became available online and in stores. The release contained a bonus disc of six live songs from his 2007 tour: five from Continuum and a cover of the Ray Charles song "I Don't Need No Doctor". His single "Say", from the film The Bucket List, became available through iTunes.[citation needed] On December 6, 2007, "Belief" was nominated for Best Male Pop Vocal for the 50th Annual Grammy Awards. He accompanied Alicia Keys on guitar on her song "No One" at the ceremony. Additionally, he was selected by the editors of Time magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential People of 2007, listed among artists and entertainers.
In February 2008, Mayer hosted a three-day Caribbean cruise event that included performances with various musicians including David Ryan Harris, Brett Dennen, Colbie Caillat, and Dave Barnes, among others. The event was called "The Mayercraft Carrier" and was held aboard the cruise ship known as the Carnival Victory. A follow-up cruise titled "Mayercraft Carrier 2" sailed from Los Angeles March 27–31, 2009, on the Carnival Splendor.
On July 1, 2008, Mayer released Where the Light Is, a live concert film of Mayer's performance at the Nokia Theatre L.A. Live on December 8, 2007. The film was directed by Danny Clinch. It features Mayer opening with an acoustic set, followed by a blues set with the Trio and concluded by a full set with the band from the Continuum album.
Battle Studies (2009)
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Australian artist Guy Sebastian invited Mayer to collaborate on three songs from his 2009 album Like It Like That. Mayer also played guitar on the title track of Crosby Loggins' debut LP, Time to Move.
On July 7, 2009, Mayer performed an instrumental guitar version of Michael Jackson's "Human Nature" at Jackson's televised memorial service. He co-wrote "World of Chances" with Demi Lovato for Lovato's second album Here We Go Again, released later that month.
After the overwhelming success of Continuum, Mayer confessed to be intimidated with beginning on a follow-up. However, he stated, "I think it got a lot easier when I realized that no matter what I do, it's not going to be Continuum, good or bad." On November 17, 2009, Mayer's fourth studio album, Battle Studies, debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 album chart. The first single, "Who Says", was released on September 24, 2009, in advance of the album, followed on October 19 by "Heartbreak Warfare" and "Half of My Heart" on June 21, 2010. The accompanying arena tour grossed US$45 million. Despite the album's commercial success, critics reactions were mixed. Some reviews glowed, calling it his "most adventurous", others called the album "safe" and noted that "Mayer the singer-songwriter and Mayer the man about town sometimes seem disconnected, like they don't even belong in the same body". Mayer admitted to Rolling Stone that he thought Battle Studies was not his best album.
Personal troubles and hiatus (2010–2013)
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Following two revealing and highly controversial magazine interviews in February 2010 with Rolling Stone and Playboy magazines, Mayer withdrew from public life and ceased giving interviews. While still on tour for Battle Studies, he began work in earnest on his fifth studio album—which drew on the popular music of Laurel Canyon in the early 1970s. Around this time, he began to experience vocal problems, and sought medical assistance. On September 16, 2011, he posted on his blog that his next record, Born and Raised, would be delayed due to treatment he was receiving for a granuloma discovered on his vocal cords. Mayer described the event as a "temporary setback" and added that the album was entirely finished except for a few vocal tracks. A month later, on October 20, 2011, Mayer posted, "I had surgery this afternoon to remove it and am now on complete vocal rest for a month or more," during which he planned to "travel the country, look, and listen". However, the surgery did not work as expected, and he had to undergo another one that August. During his travels, he visited and fell in love with Bozeman, Montana, where he bought a house and re-settled in the spring of 2012.
With his treatments complete, Mayer finished the vocals on Born and Raised, and the album's first single, "Shadow Days", was released on February 27, 2012. The following day, he released the track listing for the album, announcing that it would be released on May 22 of that year. He described it as his "most honest" album, and begin booking dates at more "intimate" venues than for Battle Studies. He also accepted an invitation to appear at the South by Southwest festival. However, the granuloma returned, and on March 9, 2012, Mayer announced that he had been forced to cancel his tour and refrain from all singing indefinitely. Even so, Born and Raised was released as scheduled, and entered the Billboard 200 chart at number one, selling 219,000 copies in its first week. It also received generally positive critical feedback; Rolling Stone rated it number 17 on its list of the 50 Best Albums of 2012, and People magazine called it "a shimmering album". Meanwhile, Mayer brought a new focus to his guitar playing and, fearing that his vocal cords had been permanently damaged, tried to come to terms with a possible future as a session musician. Determined to be cured, he sought help from the UCLA Voice Center. That September, otolaryngologist Dr. Gerald Berke paralyzed Mayer's vocal cords with a series of high-dose Botox injections, hoping that they would allow the granuloma to heal. Mayer's vocal rest extended to several months and, unable to even talk, his performances were limited to accompanying other artists on guitar. He appeared in September 2012 on Saturday Night Live, where he joined musical guest Frank Ocean. He played with the Rolling Stones in New Jersey in December 2012.
By January 2013, Mayer had recovered sufficiently enough to perform at a benefit concert in Bozeman, after almost two years without singing publicly. In April 2013, he made an appearance at the Crossroads Guitar Festival, and at the 28th Annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, where he inducted the late Albert King. A show at the Tuscaloosa Amphitheater in Alabama on April 25, 2013, followed by a set at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival the next day, marked his first full-length concerts since his health troubles.
Paradise Valley, Dead & Company, The Search for Everything (2013–2018)
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]In June 2013, Mayer announced that he was finishing work on his sixth album, Paradise Valley. Produced by Don Was, the album features "low-key folk-rock tunes". He collaborated with Frank Ocean on the song "Wildfire Pt. 2", and with Katy Perry on "Who You Love". The latter song would go on to become the album's third single, and an accompanying music video was released on December 17. On June 18, 2013, he released a lyric video for the album's first single, "Paper Doll", on his official YouTube page. The album was released August 20, 2013, and—meeting with positive reviews—debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 chart, with first-week sales of 145,560 copies in the United States. Mayer embarked on a tour, his first in three years, in support of Born and Raised and Paradise Valley. The American leg of the tour ran from July to December 2013 with Interscope recording artist Phillip Phillips serving as the supporting act. The tour visited Australia in April 2014.
During a concert in Adelaide, Mayer covered the Beyoncé song "XO" . One month later, on May 22, he released a studio version of the song on his SoundCloud account. It was made available for digital download by Columbia Records on May 27, 2014, through the iTunes Store. For the week ending June 1, 2014, Mayer's version debuted at number 90 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart and number 13 on the US Hot Rock Songs chart. On the Canadian Hot 100, "XO" peaked at a position of 76. The single also peaked at number 81 on the Australian Singles Chart (its debut week), and at number 95 on the Dutch Singles Chart. In the UK, it peaked at 115 on the UK Singles Chart. Mayer recorded the song "Come Rain or Come Shine" as a duet with Barbra Streisand for her album Partners, released in September 2014.
In February 2015, Mayer performed alongside Ed Sheeran at the Grammy Awards. As of March, Mayer said he was taking break from working on a "deeply personal new album". Mayer also recounted that in 2011 he happened upon a song by the Grateful Dead while listening to Pandora, and that soon the band's music was all he would listen to. In February 2015, while guest hosting The Late Late Show, Mayer invited Grateful Dead guitar player Bob Weir to join him in a studio performance. While Weir, Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann (surviving members of the Grateful Dead) were preparing for their Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years of the Grateful Dead tour with Trey Anastasio, Mayer began practicing the band's catalog of songs. That August, Mayer, Weir, Kreutzmann, and Hart formed the group Dead & Company, along with Jeff Chimenti and Oteil Burbridge, and began a fall tour in the United States. The tour was well received (Billboard called it "magical"), and they continued to tour the US into 2016. Although Lesh has declined to join Dead & Company, Mayer also performed with Phil Lesh and Friends at Terrapin Crossroads in 2015.
As a result of his touring with Dead & Company, Mayer postponed working on his next studio album until January 2016, with plans to finish it by the end of the year. On November 17, 2016, Mayer released "Love on the Weekend" as the lead single from his EP The Search for Everything: Wave One, which was then released on January 20, 2017. A second EP, The Search for Everything: Wave Two, was released on February 24, 2017, along with the single "Still Feel Like Your Man". The album The Search for Everything was released on April 14, 2017, and was promoted by a third single titled "In the Blood", released on May 1, 2017, and by The Search for Everything World Tour from March to October of the same year.
Mayer also continued touring with Dead & Company during the summer and fall of 2017. On December 5, during the Fall Tour, his appendix burst, resulting in an emergency appendectomy and the postponement of the remaining tour dates to February 2018. In January 2018, Dead & Company announced their Dead & Company Summer Tour 2018.
Sob Rock (2018–present)
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]On May 10, 2018, Mayer released the single "New Light", co-produced by No I.D. and Mayer himself. In an interview with Zane Lowe for Apple Music on the release day, he announced "more new music" for 2018. During his performance at the iHeartRadio Theater on October 24, 2018, he premiered a song titled "I Guess I Just Feel Like". On December 12, 2018, he announced a world tour for 2019. Mayer released two singles in 2019; the previously played "I Guess I Just Feel Like" on February 22, and "Carry Me Away" on September 6.
During an episode of John Mayer's show "Current Mood" on March 15, 2020, he revealed that he was in the process of writing and recording songs for a new album. In early 2021, he stated that the album was completely finished as he began posting snippets of new songs on TikTok ahead of release. In an interview with Kerwin Frost, Mayer hinted at an April release for the album. Later, the date was pushed back. On June 1, 2021, Mayer officially announced his eighth album Sob Rock and on June 4, released the lead single, "Last Train Home" along with an accompanying music video. The album was released on July 16, 2021, as well as a music video for the song, "Shot In The Dark". The track list included previously released singles "New Light", "I Guess I Just Feel Like" and "Carry Me Away". "Carry Me Away" was slightly reworked production-wise to fit the album's 1980s aesthetic.
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]- Room for Squares (2001)
- Heavier Things (2003)
- Continnum (2006)
- Battle Studies (2009)
- Born and Raised (2012)
- Paradise Valley (2013)
- The Search for Everything (2017)
- Sob Rock (2021)
Apbalvojumi un nominācijas
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Grammy apbalvojumi
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Maijers ir uzvarējis 7 apbalvojumus 19 nominācijās.
Gads | Apbalvojums | Kategorija | Rezultāts |
2003 | Himself | Labākais jaunais izpildītājs | Nominēts |
"Your body is a wonderland" | Labākais vīriešu pop vokālais sniegums | Uzvarēts | |
2005 | "Daughters" | Gada labākā dziesma | Uzvarēts |
Labākais vīriešu pop vokālais sniegums | Uzvarēts | ||
2007 | Continuum | Gada labākais albums | Nominēts |
Labākais pop vokālais albums | Uzvarēts | ||
Try! | Labākais rokmūzikas albums | Nominēts | |
"Waiting on the World to Change" | Labākais vīriešu pop vokālais sniegums | Uzvarēts | |
"Route 66" | Labākais solo rokmūzikas vokālais sniegums | Nominēts | |
2008 | "Belief" | Labākais vīriešu pop vokālais sniegums | Nominēts |
Uzvarēts | |||
2009 | "Say" | Labākā dziesma, kas rakstīta kinofilmai,
televīzijai vai citiem vizuāliem medijiem |
Nominēts |
"Gravity" | Labākais solo rokmūzikas vokālais sniegums | Uzvarēts | |
"Lesson Learned" | Labākā popmūzikas sadarbība ar vokālu | Nominēts | |
Where the Light Is:
John Mayer Live in Los Angeles |
Labākais garās formas mūzikas video | Nominēts | |
2011 | Battle Studies | Labākais pop vokālais albums | Nominēts |
"Half of My Heart" | Labākais vīriešu pop vokālais sniegums | Nominēts | |
"Crossroads" | Labākais solo rokmūzikas vokālais sniegums | Nominēts | |
2013 | Channel Orange | Gada labākais albums | Nominēts |
Citi apbalvojumi un nominācijas
[labot šo sadaļu | labot pirmkodu]Gads | Apbalvojums | Kategorija |
2002 | MTV Video Music Awards | Labākais jaunais izpildītājs videoklipā
dziesmai "No Such Thing" – nominēts |
Orville H. Gibson Guitar Awards | Les Paul Horizon apbalvojums
(daudzsološākais ģitārists) | |
VH1 Big in 2002 Awards | "Can't Get You Out of My Head" apbalvojums
par "No Such Thing" | |
Pollstar Concert Industry Awards | Labākā jaunā izpildītāja tūre | |
2003 | 20th Annual ASCAP Awards | Visvairāk izpildītā dziesma "No Such Thing" |
31st Annual American Music Awards | Iecienītākais vīriešu izpildītājs- pop vai rokenrola mūzikā | |
15th Annual Boston Music Awards | Gada labākais vīriešu vokālists;
Gada labākā dziesma "Your Body Is a Wonderland" | |
MTV Video Music Awards | Labākais vīriešu video | |
Radio Music Awards | Gada pieaugušo mūsdienu radio mākslinieks | |
Teen People Awards | ||
Danish Music Awards | ||
2004 | BDS Certified Spin Awards | |
2005 | 33rd annual American Music Awards | |
World Music Awards | ||
People's Choice Awards | Labākais vīriešu izpildītājs | |
2006 | ASCAP Awards | Visvairāk izpildītā dziesma "Daughters" |
2007 | 35th Annual American Music Awards | |
23rd Annual TEC Awards | ||
2009 | ASCAP Awards | Visvairāk izpildītā dziesma "Say" |
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