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Diskusija:Klauss Ebners

Lapas saturs netiek atbalstīts citās valodās.
Vikipēdijas lapa

Voobšem, cilvēks stipri sevī samīlējies un ar automātisko tulkošanu (skatīt rakstu citās viki) ir salicis krietnā daļā vikipēdiju savu biogrāfiju... --Kurlandlegionar 22:45, 7 martā, 2009 (UTC)

Visur pie hronoloģijas parādās divas IP adreses... Laikam galu galā reklāma. --Kurlandlegionar 22:50, 7 martā, 2009 (UTC)
Cik apskatījos, angļi sākumā gribējuši dzēst uzreiz, bet atradušies cilvēki, kas rakstu papildinājuši. Man liekas, tādā valodā raksts vairāk velk uz dzēšanu, ja vien kāds negrib salabot. Pašlaik tā ir drīzāk antireklāma, nevis reklāma (viņš ir loceklis un tamlīdzīgas pērles). --ScAvenger 07:06, 8 martā, 2009 (UTC)

Please help to improve (or to rectify!) the language (and, if you like, to enhance/enlarge the article). Yes, it is true that I had to use an automatic translator, too, because no one in our group of friends speaks your language. However, we want to promote Austrian writers of the younger generation and we are only writing articles about authors who fulfill the criteria of relevance. Many thanks in advance. --Irina Walter AT 17:49, 9 martā, 2009 (UTC)

One month until deletion. There is latvian wikipedia, not a advertisement board for collecting of automatet translations. And criteria for relevance for LV wiki is diferent as in other wikis. Have DE wiki article about Olekte? --Kikos 19:46, 9 martā, 2009 (UTC)
  1. Olekte is not a biography, but when you help with the translation, we would welcome a German entry. Give me a raw text and I will polish it to perfect German.
  2. I would LOVE to read articles about Latvian writers in the German Wikipedia. When relevance criteria are respected, they would also be welcome. But for this we would need the help and collaboration of Latvian people - without them we will never learn to know your literature, which is a pity. In this sense I understand the international cooperation of Wikipedians. Many non-native speakers start articles about someone or something in their own culture. Then usually native speakers take over and clean up the language. I've seen many Wikipedias where this "agreement" works perfectly, and I am very sad and astounded to see such aggressive reluctance here.
  3. Of course you could write the articles about authors about Klaus Ebner, Christine Werner, Thomas Sautner, Dirk Ofner, Erika Kronabitter, Eva Jancak and many many others yourself. But I do not expect that Latvia has many Wikipedians who speak proficiently German and know a lot about Austrian literature, especially when we don't talk only about Kafka, Bernhard and Jelinek.
  4. You mention that the Latvian Wikipedia would have other criteria of relevance. I am also amazed about this because I couldn't find any criteria in your Wikipedia. There is for example a link to the Lithuanian criteria - which correspond to those valid in all Wikipedias I know so far, but no link to the Latvian ones. So when you mention these deviating criteria I would like to see them, so please mention a link or state them. Thank you.

--Irina Walter AT 17:23, 10 martā, 2009 (UTC)

You mentioned we want to promote Austrian writers of the younger generation so this actions of interwiki spam of horrible quality auto-translated "articles" aren't a pure encyclopedic apporach, but an advertisment of austrian writers who unfortunately (or maybe fortunatley?) haven't writed anything relevent for people outside austrian writer promoter group? This wiki has very little information about latvian writers (even the most important ones - not counting modern wannabe writers who write poetry about auto-pederasty and call it an "art"). If mister Ebner (and any other young or old austrian writer) in his life will write something really cool and his works are translated in latvian, then he will get his place in LV wiki. P.S. If you really want to promote your writers, try to get they works translated in latvian (yeah, i know "Mission: Immposible" but thats the cruel world) - it will be 100 times more effective promotion to them then horrible article in some internet encyclopedia were 99% of people which read books don't event look in. --Krishjaanis 17:43, 10 martā, 2009 (UTC)

OK, i improve this article. Bet lai tā būtu pēdējā reize :) --ScAvenger 18:50, 10 martā, 2009 (UTC)

Thank you very much. --Irina Walter AT 20:11, 25 aprīlī, 2009 (UTC)

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