Viens no pamatlicējiem jaunai spektroskopijas metodei gāzu koncentrācijas mērīšanai porainos materiālos (GASMAS). T. Henša grupā J. Alnis strādāja ūdeņraža atomu spektroskopijas projektā pie ultrastabilu lāzeru rezonatoru izveides.
J Alnis, U Gustafsson, G Somesfalean, S Svanberg (2000). Sum-frequency generation with a blue diode laser for mercury spectroscopy at 254 nm. Applied Physics Letters 76 (10), 1234-1236
U Gustafsson, J Alnis, S Svanberg (2000). Atomic spectroscopy with violet laser diodes. American Journal of Physics 68 (7), 660-664
J Alnis, A Matveev, N Kolachevsky, T Udem, TW Hänsch (2008). Subhertz linewidth diode lasers by stabilization to vibrationally and thermally compensated ultralow-expansion glass Fabry-Pérot cavities. Physical Review A 77 (5), 053809
J Alnis, M Auzinsh (2001). Angular-momentum spatial distribution symmetry breaking in Rb by an external magnetic field. Physical Review A 63 (2), 023407
J Alnis, A Schliesser, CY Wang, J Hofer, TJ Kippenberg, TW Hänsch (2011). Thermal-noise-limited crystalline whispering-gallery-mode resonator for laser stabilization. Physical Review A 84 (1), 011804
K Predehl, G Grosche, SMF Raupach, S Droste, O Terra, J Alnis, T Legero, ... (2012). A 920-kilometer optical fiber link for frequency metrology at the 19th decimal place. Science 336 (6080), 441-444[2]