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Atrašanās vietas karte: Japāna
nosaukums Japāna
x 100*(($1>30.90)*($2 -128.24)/(149.27-128.24)+($1<=30.90)*($2 -110.43)/(131.44-110.43))
y 100*(($1>30.90)*($1-45.86)/(30.02-45.86)+($1<=30.90)*($1-39.54)/(23.71-39.54))
attēls Japan location map with side map of the Ryukyu Islands.svg
attēls 1 Japan natural location map with side map of the Ryukyu Islands.jpg
attēls 2 Japan bluemarble location map with side map of the Ryukyu Islands.jpg


Pastāv šādas veidnes:

Kartes definīcija

  • name = Japāna
  • y = 100*(($1>30.90)*($1-45.86)/(30.02-45.86)+($1<=30.90)*($1-39.54)/(23.71-39.54))
    Izteiksme, kas tiek izmantota, lai aprēķinātu platuma grādus

return {
	name = 'Japāna',
	x = '100*(($1>30.90)*($2 -128.24)/(149.27-128.24)+($1<=30.90)*($2 -110.43)/(131.44-110.43))',
	y = '100*(($1>30.90)*($1-45.86)/(30.02-45.86)+($1<=30.90)*($1-39.54)/(23.71-39.54))',
	image = 'Japan location map with side map of the Ryukyu Islands.svg',
	image1 = 'Japan natural location map with side map of the Ryukyu Islands.jpg',
	image2 = 'Japan bluemarble location map with side map of the Ryukyu Islands.jpg'