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Sentvinsentas un Grenadīnu himna

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St. Vincent, Land so Beautiful ir Sentvinsentas un Grenadīnu valsts himna. Šī dziesma pirmo reizi oficiāli tika lietota 1967. gadā, taču tikai valsts neatkarības pasludināšanas laikā 1979. gadā, dziesma tika pieņemta par valsts himnu.

1. pants:

Saint Vincent, land so beautiful,

With joyful hearts we pledge to thee.

Our loyalty and love and vow to keep you ever free.


Whate'er the future brings.

Our faith will keep us true.

May peace reign from shore to shore,

And God bless and keep us too.

2. pants:

Hairoun, our fair and blessed isle

Your mountains high, so clear and green

Are home to me, though I may stray

A haven calm serene

3. pants:

Our little sister islands are,

Those gems, the lovely Grenadines.

Upon their seas of golden sand,

The sunshine ever beams.

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