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Temats Dalībnieka diskusija:Edgars2007/Arhīvs9

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

jau ir ABBA kategorijā? - It is not right! This is a Swedish band, it should be in the Swedish bands category, not everyone will look for it in a separate category.

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

Edgars, this is a swedish band and swedish musicians, in the search it should be in several categories and in several groups, it's not right to limit it! In addition, it should be in the category "Swedish Museums".

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)
Intelcub (diskusijadevums)
Intelcub (diskusijadevums)


zviedru popgrupa (1972-1982), nosaukums veidots no dalībnieku vārdu pirmajiem burtiem, repertuārā melodiskas, ritmiskas dziesmas roka stilā

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

in the Swedish bands category, all Swedish bands should be represented, and a separate category for each musical group is already a different value

Edgars2007 (diskusijadevums)

that's not how category tree works. also, if people will search for Swedish popmusic bands, they will see ABBA category anyway. about museum category - no, article about ABBA museum will be in museum category, not article about band itself.

Edgars2007 (diskusijadevums)

about native wiki category argument - so you want to say, that article about this band in enwiki should follow lvwiki categorization? :) good luck with that.

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

i want to say that any swedish band should be in the category "Swedish bands" and not just in their own category

Edgars2007 (diskusijadevums)

it already is.

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

What exactly? A man is looking for Swedish bands and there is no Abba band! How to explain it to him?

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

All Swedish bands that a person searches for in the category "musical Swedish bands" should be submitted in the category. If you do not agree, I want to hear the opinion of other admins.

Edgars2007 (diskusijadevums)

so... if person searches for "Sweden", he should be greated with these 1500 (there might be some mistakes because of how tree works) articles here. right?

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

yes he should be able to search by category - and if i search for swedish music or swedish band = i should see everything related to that, according to your log now there is only ONE swedish band in this category = person who is studying swedish music now can't find swedish bands because he has never heard of Abba's band, and searches for all bands by category. right?

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

Zviedrijas mūzikas grupas

no groups are represented in this category, do you think this is the right solution for the encyclopedia?

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)
Intelcub (diskusijadevums)
Edgars2007 (diskusijadevums)
Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

I have studied it. And I ask you again. A person who does not know anything about the names of Swedish bands in which category should he find all "Swedish Music Bands"? Tell me this and we will close the issue

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

If you are one of the admins, you need to follow the rules of the encyclopedia. Vera Brezhneva is Ukrainian, Saakashvili is Georgian and Ukrainian, Alekseev is Ukrainian, Abba is a Swedish musical group. You deny it and it's not right.

If I want to see Ukrainians in the search for "Ukrainians", then there should be Ukrainians there, because I'm not looking for "Ukrainian musicians". I'm not interested in Ukrainian musicians, I'm interested in "Ukrainians".

If I search for "Swedish bands" I want to see all Swedish bands. I don't know what Abba is and never heard of it. As an example.

Categories exist for this so that I can search for the material I need by category.

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

Teach me how to use an encyclopedia on the Internet or in a library. According to your logic, the Abba group is a separate category. And if I go to the library and write a research paper on the topic "Swedish musical groups" there I will see only one.

Edgars2007 (diskusijadevums)

again, please familiarize yourself how categorization works in Wikipedia. here is some en:Category:Wikipedia categorization articles on topic. then we can talk. further spamming on this topic will be subject to blocking access to editing features. bye!

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

Почему это "спам"? Я ознакомился https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikipedia_categorization и со страницейhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABBA также после изучени этих страниц я привел пример, как это выглядит на EN-wiki, почему вы меня обвиняете в "СПАМ"? Я же привожу аргументы и примеры?

Вы же видите, что Шведская и Английская версии применяет к группе разные категории чтобы можно было найти группу. Ниже еще раз привожу пример. Тогда почему вы считаете что я не прав и плохо следую примерам и правилам?

Intelcub (diskusijadevums)

Для того чтобы вы меня не блокировали и не добавляли в СПАМ мы можем вынести эту тему на обсуждение с другими админами и найти правильное решение?

Edgars2007 (diskusijadevums)

you still haven't shown, that you have really understood how categorization works.

Edgars2007 (diskusijadevums)

and the example about categorization at libraries - they also have "subcategories". for example "Geography" has subcategories for "European geography" (which in turn has subcategories for specific countries etc.), "Asian geography" etc.

Vylks (diskusijadevums)

Lietotājs ir salaidis grīstē ar ukraiņiem, un tur jau varēja pat viņu nobloķēt, taču šajā gadījumā viņam ir taisnība. Latviešu vikipēdijā daudzviet tiek nepareizi lietotas "tāda paša nosaukuma (kā raksts) kategorijas" (''Eponymous categories''). Arī tajās norādēs, ko lietotājam devi, ir pasakidrots, kādos gadījumos citas kategorijas pievieno tikai pašam rakstam, kādos attiecīgajai kategorijai, kādos abiem. Tas, kā kategorijas pievienotas ABBA rakstam un attiecīgajai kategorijai Latviešu valodas vikipēdijā, neatbist šīm vadlīnijām un citu valodu vikipēdiju praksei.

Edgars2007 (diskusijadevums)
  1. tas ir trollis, kura galvenais uzdevums bija tērēt citu cilvēku laiku.
  2. esence tam, uz ko es viņam norādīju, ir ka rakstam (vai kategorijai, vienalga) nevajag gan "Zviedrijas mūzikas grupas", gan "Zviedrijas popmūzikas grupas".
  3. par eponīmajām kategorijām - nu laikam jau ir pamatots norādījums, jā. no manas puses pluss ir vismaz tajā, ka daļa neloģisma kategoriju kokā varētu nolikvidēties. bet ar ko tā ideja ir slikta? ar to, ka tas lielā mērā ir interpretācijas jautājums. un interpretācija noved pie izmaiņu kariem vai mazjēdzīgām diskusijām. es nesaku, ka es ļoti pretotos tam, ja kopienā tiktu sākta kustība #sakārtojamEpinonīmoKategorijuLietojumu, bet apšaubītu, ka tas novestu pie kā laba :)
Atbildēt "ABBA"