Veidnes dokumentācija[skatīt] [labot] [hronoloģija] [pārlādēt]
This graph's main version resides at mediawiki Template:Graph:PageViews. Please make all the changes there and copy it everywhere else (until the copying is automated)
{{ Graph:PageViews }} 30 days for the current page (if there is data) |
{{ Graph:PageViews | 90 | Latvija | }} 90 days for Latvija page on Latvija Wikipedia |
{{ Graph:PageViews | 180 | _ }} Monthly visitors to the current wiki (last 6 months) |
Inserts a graph with the page views statistics for the past N days of a page.
Parametrs | Apraksts | Tips | Statuss | |
Number of days back | 1 | nav apraksta
| Skaitlis | ieteicams |
Page Title | 2 | Title of the page, with namespace, including needed spaces
| Lapas nosaukums | neobligāts |
Domain | 3 | nav apraksta
| Teksts | neobligāts |
Graph color | color | nav apraksta
| Teksts | neobligāts |
Graph scale | scale | Scaling could be one of these: linear, log, pow, sqrt, quantile, quantize, and threshold
| Teksts | neobligāts |
Fix maximum value of the Y axis | max | This optional value might be useful to align multiple graphs side-by-side
| Skaitlis | neobligāts |
Dokumentācija iekļauta no Veidne:Graph:PageViews/doc (labot | hronoloģija) Vari eksperimentēt šīs veidnes smilšu kastes (izveidot | spoguļversija) un testu (izveidot) lapā Lūdzu, kategorijas pievieno dokumentācijas apakšlapā. Veidnes apakšlapas. |
// ATTENTION: This code is maintained at
// Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
// Suggestions can be made at
// The graph uses PageViews API
"version": 2,
"width": 400,
"height": 200,
// The data for this graph comes from the PageView API. The request is made for N days back up to now.
"data": [
"name": "pageviews",
"url": "wikirest://",
"format": {
"type": "json",
"property": "items"
// The response is parsed here, converting date strings of form "20160223" into date 2016-02-23
"transform": [
{ "type": "formula", "field": "year", "expr": "parseInt(substring(datum.timestamp,0,4))" },
{ "type": "formula", "field": "month", "expr": "parseInt(substring(datum.timestamp,4,6))" },
{ "type": "formula", "field": "day", "expr": "parseInt(substring(datum.timestamp,6,8))" },
{ "type": "formula", "field": "date", "expr": "datetime(datum.year,datum.month-1," }
"scales": [
// The dates are scaled to the "x" axis - the width of the graph
"name": "x",
"type": "time",
"range": "width",
"domain": {"data": "pageviews","field": "date"}
// The pageviews are scaled to the "y" axis - the height of the graph
// Optional scale parameter can change "linear" to other scales like log
// Optional max parameter can fix the upper bound of the graph
"name": "y",
"type": "linear",
"range": "height",
"domain": {"data": "pageviews","field": "views"},
"clamp": true,
"nice": true
// Simple axis with horizontal grid lines
"axes": [
{"type": "x", "scale": "x", "ticks": 5},
{"type": "y", "scale": "y", "ticks": 5, "grid": true}
// The graph is drawn with two elements a thick line at the top, and a semi-transparent area below
"marks": [
"type": "line",
"from": {"data": "pageviews"},
"properties": {
"enter": {
"x": {"scale": "x","field": "date"},
"y": {"scale": "y","field": "views"},
"stroke": {"value": "#00f"},
"strokeWidth": {"value": 3},
"interpolate": {"value": "monotone"}
"type": "area",
"from": {"data": "pageviews"},
"properties": {
"enter": {
"x": {"scale": "x","field": "date"},
"y": {"scale": "y","value": 0},
"y2": {"scale": "y","field": "views"},
"fill": {"value": "#00f"},
"fillOpacity": {"value": 0.35},
"interpolate": {"value": "monotone"}