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Diskusija:Dzīves un Ģimenes koalīcija

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Vikipēdijas lapa

(Sorry, in English. I'm learning Latvian and being very careful when modifying the public parts.)

This is source information about the party members that I spent quite some time looking up, and someone threw out. It might become relevant when someone makes the effort to translate to Latvian instead. I might try to work on this myself...

I put back the information about this European party receiving plenty of European subsidies. That is highly relevant because it looks very much like this party is more a means for grabbing subsidies by a small and very heterogenuous group of opportunistic politicians than anything else. Of course that is anti-publicity for this party. It is also factual, and supported by two very well reputed internationally acclaimed newspapers. It is also impossible to add more information as you request to because the party hasn't really organised any activities except an anti-abortion March in .-- anonymous

Partija saņem 299 000 € Eiropas Parlamenta subsīdiju, un partijas fonds "Fondation Pegasus" 190 000 €.[1][2]

  1. . De Standaard. 2017. http://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20170331_02811031. Atjaunināts: 2017. gada 1. aprīlī.
  2. . Le Monde. 2017. http://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2017/02/25/le-parlement-europeen-tiroir-caisse-de-l-extreme-droite_5085395_823448.html. Atjaunināts: 2017. gada 1. aprīlī.

Noņēmu dalībnieka pašizgudroto saīsinājumu DGK. Raksta vācu variantā ir minēti saīsinājumi angliski un franciski, varbūt šajās valstīs tā partija ir pietiekami populāra, bet ne pie mums. Tikpat labi mēs varētu rakstīt Vikpēdijā vācu valodā, ka mūsu Zaļo un zemnieku savienību ZZS pie viņiem jādēvē par GFU (Grüne Farmers Union). --Zuiks (diskusija) 2017. gada 1. aprīlis, plkst. 21.41 (EEST)[atbildēt]

 Sorry, I didn't see your comment about taking out the DGK abbreviation. Please do recommend an appropriate one for the Latvian wikipedia so it can be used further down in the article...